Rules & Regulation
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1. Pupils are directed to strictly follow the rules and regulations of the School in order to maintain order and discipline. 
2. Students must be in the school premises by 8:45 AM. 
3. If any student is absent from school for any reason, he/she must produce leave application from his/her parent/guardian when he/she returns. Absenteeism on medical ground for more than three days must be supported by a medical certificate. 
4. Students must wear the prescribed uniform on class days, school functions or any occasion arranged by the school. 
5. Students are not permitted to wear casual attire other than their full school uniform. Non-adherence to this clauses could lead to confiscation of such material by the school authority. 
6. The students indulging in the following acts within the school premises during school hours or in school uniform will be servely punished  
     (a). Smoking 
     (b). Chewing Kwai
     (c). Carrying objectionable literature or CDs 
     (d). Consumption of Alcohol 
     (e). Using tobacco 
     (f). Carrying mobile phones 
     (g). Carrying dangerous instruments 
7. Unpunctuality, disobedience and disrespect towards the school Authorities are to be punished. 
8. Students are neither permitted or carry nor use mobile phone in the school. 
9. Involvement in any illegal affairs causing bad reputation to the school and Society will be punished. 
10. Punishment meted out by the school authorities will depend on the severity of the offence. Severe punishments include Suspension, Dismissal or Expulsion. 
11. Any kind of damage to school building or furnitures etc, shall be recovered from the pupil concerned. 
12. Pupils are strictly forbidden to leave the school compound during break period, except when permission is granted by the Principal/ Vice Principal. 
13. No Students will be allowed to sit for Promotion Examination if the attendance during the year is below 90%. 
14. Any student using unfair means in examination will be expelled and debarred from further examination. 
15. Students must co-operate and take part in co-curricular activities of the school. 
16. Students wishing to take a Transfer Certificate during the year have to clear all the fees up to the end of the current academic year. 
17. For the convenience of the school, the tentative programme and holiday list for every calendar year will be notified from time to time. 
18. Library Book is to be returned within 7 days or else a fine will be charged for each day if kept beyond that time. 
19. Books, lost or defaced in any way shall have to be replaced by the borrower. 

Student Activities


U-DISE Code: 17040331324